Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Paw Clean

Kevin Fleming: family man, writer, and, dare I say it: visionary.

I'm not sure what the real story is so I'm going to assume that it involves vision quests, a native American medicine man, gypsy curses, and ancient scrolls written in some long-dead dialect of Sanskrit or some combination thereof. Either that or when the family dog came in from the yard Kevin got tired of cleaning up the mess, came up with the idea for Paw Clean, and realized there might be others with the same need.

The end result:

Among his many other talents, Kevin can now also consider himself one of the canine footbath industry's preeminent hand models:
And finally, to help us out Kevin brought along his beautiful daughter Finley:

One last note. Kevin is also the publisher of a great e-newsletter that highlights some of Kansas City's biggest goings on. I highly suggest you go to to check it out.
Thanks so much to Kevin and Finley for coming in.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Unfortunately Kevin stole the Idea from a neighbor of his Katie Mulich, also from Kansas.
Katie designed the first Paw Wash paw cleaning device 6 years ago as science project in middle school.