Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wyatt at age 1/4

Since Erica & Scott purchased the first year package (newborn, 3 month, 6 month, and one year pictures) Wyatt gets to experience the joy of having his portrait made over and over.

Not quite ready to sit up yet, young Wyatt gets an assist from dad:
The whole family gets in on the action:Wyatt, still happy with the whole idea of having his picture taken:
And the same in B&W:
A look of surprise, a tongue sticking out, and just a bit of slobber: the picture that has it all:
Wyatt, head up under his own power big boy style:
And one more that he'll probably someday wish we hadn't taken:

Thanks very much guys. I look forward to seeing you and Wyatt over the next few months and in the years to come.

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