Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sarah & Alan's Wedding

Sarah and Alan were married at Stony Point Manor just outside of Baldwin, KS. In addition to being a stellar couple, they came with the added benefit of Sarah being the daughter of my neighbors Tim and Claire and the granddaughter of Beach Tuckness, my sophomore year gym teacher at Rockhurst and to this day the only person who has ever threatened to "throw (my) a** into the shower". To his credit, I probably deserved it. To his further credit, at 88 years young I'm pretty sure he could still do it to me if he wanted to.

The happy couple getting ready to meet.
The aforementioned Coach Tuckness. It was great to see him again and to meet Mrs. Beach.
A fireworks show just for the happy couple. How cool is that?
After the fireworks, Sarah asked if I would take some pictures of her and the bridesmaids in the bathroom. Seriously. Sounded a little strange to me too. We got in there and I saw why she wanted pictures - pretty cool for a bathroom.

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