Sunday, December 28, 2008

The McGinnae

'McGinnae' is the plural of 'McGinnis', right? If it's not, somebody please let me know.

Susan told the family she'd lined up a special activity for the day after Christmas and told everyone to wear black. They surmised that she'd set up a session of laser tag. Hopefully it didn't disappoint them too greatly when they realized they'd be spending an hour or so with me instead.
First up was what is known in the photography trade as a BOFP: Big 'Ol Family Picture-
Then we got some of the smaller groups:
I liked this next one in color and in B&W so I included it twice. It's my blog and I can do that if I want to...

Hopefully the family finally made it over for that Laser Tag session. And if they did, I further hope that the grandmas kicked some serious butt.

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