Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cindy, Ben, Leo, Ana, & Mateo

Cindy and Ben won an auction at St. Peter's school last year for a gift certificate to Six Columns Imaging, Inc. Fairly ambitious if you ask me given that Mateo wasn't even born yet... Nevertheless they timed it just right to make sure that he was old enough to be an active part of the family pictures in October.

Speaking of the family, here they are on one of my favorite bridges (okay, of the two bridges) at Loose Park:
Here's Mateo looking at something goofy that I'm guessing Leo was probably doing to entertain him:And then another from the bridge with a slight sepia tint:
Leo, posing more beatifically than a boy his age has any right to pose:
Not to be outdone, a happy little Ana:
And finally Mateo's three and a half teeth, Ben's knees, a bridge, and a big ol' happy smile:

A big thanks to Andrea Ways-Newman who is an old and dear, dear, dear friend of mine and of Six Columns Imaging who was apparently there the night of the auction and helped persuade Cindy to bid on the gift certificate.

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