Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jasmine & Justin

September 20th was the big day for Jasmine & Justin: it was my birthday! Also, they got married. Special thanks go out to Gina Krump, longtime friend of our family, our former babysitter (until she moved to D.C. for a "good job" and "to get a post-graduate degree at Johns Hopkins" -- don't see why that should stop her from babysitting...), and Jasmine's Maid of Honor and friend from Shawnee Mission East.

Here's a shot of the happy couple just after Jasmine tapped Justin on the shoulder and he saw her for the first time:

Formal group shots are always a logistical challenge -- getting everyone in the right spot looking the right direction at the right time but sometimes it's fun to snap a quick shot of the group when they think I'm not paying attention:

Here's a shot of Justin & Jasmine at the altar at Trinity Lutheran. It was my first wedding there and I really loved the stain glass:

During the ceremony, I found myself looking around the church. I looked down and saw the reflection of the stained glass on the floor tiles:

So. Now they're married. Time to blow soap bubbles at them:

Then it was on to Kauffman gardens for some pictures Of J&J:

Then we headed all the way across the street to the Nelson:

Finally it was time to head to the Embassy Suites for the reception. Justin and Jasmine's first dance:Thanks once again to Justin & Jasmine & the rest of the Sullivans, McSweyns, and all of their friends and family for a great time. Feel free to send my birthday presents to my home or studio any time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for the shout out!