Tuesday, May 26, 2009

J,M,A,C, & E

Poor, poor Megan. At least that's what my mom thinks. As the mother of three boys she has a special insight into Megan's plight. At least that's what my mom would call it. You'd think that my brothers and I misbehaved to hear her tell it...

But we're not here to rehash my misspent youth. We're here to see a few of the pictures we took on Saturday morning of the Daly boys.

I woud have been disappointed if we hadn't gotten at least one shot like this:

Having gotten that one out of the way, it was nice to get one that looked like this:

What is it about me that elicits this kind of response from youngsters?

Thanks for getting together with me guys. I hope that you've recovered.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Brian, Jane, and Landon

Brian, Jane, and Landon met me for a session at the Kaufman Memorial Gardens. I really enjoyed working with them. And the fact that somehow Landon managed to co-opt my haircut from 1981...

I'll admit it: this one was posed this way. Doesn't change how much I like it.
Landon, looking simply angelic. Awwww.....

Thanks for getting together guys - I had a great time and I think we got some great images.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Erin & Charles, 5/1/09

Well, I'll be honest. I was a little skeptical.

Not of Charles & Erin - I knew from our engagement portrait session and meetings and emails we'd have a great time together - but whether or not we'd get a wedding done at the OP Arboretum on May Day. The weather was, in a word, cruddy. Until about 3:00. So since we weren't getting started for awhile after that it turns out my worries were for naught. I guess I could have just asked Erin ahead of time since apparently the weather cleared up because she demanded that it be so.

Having gotten the weather situation squared away with Erin's assistance, it was time for a wedding lagoon-side at the Overland Park Arboretum with a reception following at the Pavillion in Lenexa (complete with May Pole). Here are some of my favorites from the day. Thanks again to Erin, Charles, the Collinses and the Foushees for making me feel like one of the guests.