Sunday, March 29, 2009

Six Columns Imaging: Now with plastic!

So I've resisted it.

As much because I didn't want to pay the fees (hey, at least I'm honest) as well as because I didn't want to deal with it I haven't accepted credit cards.

Until now.

It is with great pride that I can now say that yes, we do accept Mastercard and Visa.

You see, I have a theory. I think that like the internets, carbonated beverages, and the rock and roll music that the kids like so much, paying with credit cards is here to stay. And because I'm always at the forefront of new technologies I'm going to ride the credit card wave all the way in to the beach.

No, it's never easy being a trendsetter but it's my cross to bear. Because that's how I roll.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Zoom Zoom Zoe

First of all, I have to thank Cindy for coming all the way from Wellsville to bring in Zoe for some baby pictures.

Having said that, Zoe was a great sport and we got some really great shots of her being her:

The same one in B&W:
And a little Sepia action:
And the requisite slobber shot. People who know me and know my work know that I'm a sucker for a good picture of drool:

I'd like to think that she's not sticking her tongue out at me because that would be very hurtful and I'm a very sensitive guy:
And finally a little high key B&W action:

Thanks again for making the trip Cindy and thanks for all the personality Zoe. I look forward to seeing you guys again in the not-too-distant future.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Danan Contracting

Dan Koehne of Danan Contracting was looking for some new pictures of his work to use in his marketing materials and for an upcoming tradeshow and asked me to come over to the McLaughlins to take some pictures of a kitchen and bath remodel he'd done. Some examples:

He's also done alot of work for my parents including an amazing addition off of the back of the house and a key addition of a doggie door so that my dad (theoretically) never has to get up off of his recliner to let the dogs in again.

Thanks for the opportunity Dan.