Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Adam & Lily - The Sequel

Followers of the SCI blog may remember Adam and Lily from last fall when I visited them at their house to take some pictures for the invite to their B'Nai Mitzvah. Followers of the SCI blog may also not remember Adam and Lily so a refresher course may be in order:

Lily's cool with having her picture taken.

Adam's not.

Having established that I was honored to spend the afternoon and evening with them on their big day.

First we started with some family shots. Here are the Starrs with a whole bunch of other people who I can only assume fit under the heading of family:
Then it was time for some smaller group shots. Luckily Lily is not shy about doing what it takes to bring out the happy Adam:
Then it was time for the service at the New Reform Temple. I can't remember the name of the group that did the singing but they did a fantastic job:
And on with the ceremony. I'd love to know what was going through Lily's head at this moment:
Adam carries the Torah around the temple:
Lily reads:
Rabbi Cukiercorn (I hope I spelled that at least reasonably correctly...) presents the twins with a certificate signifying that a tree has been planted in their honor in Israel.
Then it was on to the American Restaurant for the reception:
Boys being boys:
Girls being girls:
Adam being Adam:
Ladies' man Elliott:
As part of the evening's activities the DJ had each table of kids come up to the dance floor to demonstrate a dance:
And after a slideshow of Adam and Lily as adorable little munchkins it was time for the fireworks display. Either that or the folks at Crown Center were sending up signal flares to tell the aliens exactly where to start the invasion:
Finally, I wouldn't feel right about this blog entry without inclduing this shot of Elliott rocking the Kanye West look:

Thanks once again to the Starr family for inviting me to be a part of the celebration and for making me feel like one of the gang. I have a great time every time I get together with them. Now if I can just get my ears to stop ringing...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Scott, Erika, & Wyatt

First things first: I love the name Wyatt. Scott & Erika are good too, but come on: Wyatt - how cool is that?

Scott & Erika are one of my wedding clients and when they emailed to let me know that they wanted to set up a newborn session for Wyatt (who wasn't yet born) I was thrilled.

First a picture of the whole gang:
Then a couple of shots of Wyatt in mom's arms:
Next it was time for a few shots of Wyatt by himself. I love this shot of him looking up at Erika:
Next we set Wyatt on the backdrop for some naked baby shots. I liked this one the best - I think I'm going to call this pose "falling frog". Why? Because to me he looks like a falling frog here. In the best way. And, finally, Wyatt had had enough.
One last thing -- the Petzolds signed up for the baby club which means, that, in addition to five sessions over the course of the next year, they also received a custom designed birth announcement to send out to friends and family:
Thanks guys and I'm looking forward to seeing more of you over the next year (and beyond...).